Cellspace is an in Innovation project from the Hybrid Technology Hub at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital


CellSpace provides a scalable next-generation micro-physiological system platform technology for disease modeling and drug testing.

Our revolving organ-on-chip (rOoC) technology is based on a patented fluidic layout combined with a 3D tilting apparatus that produces a directed gravity-driven flow without the need for pumps and tubes.

The rOoC platform enables the functional culture of multiple 3D organ models, endothelial cells, and the integration of circulating cells such as immune cells or particles. All these elements can be coupled together in different combinations in one microfluidic device, allowing the development of complex tissue and organ representations and advanced disease models.

Our pump-less approach ensures high scalability and user-friendliness for drug discovery and drug testing in both academic and industrial R&D laboratories.


CellSpace is an innovation project from Oslo, Norway that aims to spin out as a startup company from the Hybrid Technology Hub – Centre of Excellence (HTH-CoE) at the University of Oslo.

The technology has been developed by Mathias Busek (Ph.D.), who has more than 10 years of experience in the OoC field and pioneered an OoC platform with integrated pneumatic micro-pumps at TU Berlin (now used for drug screening by TissUse GmbH). He is leading the platform and technological developments at CellSpace. Biological use-cases development and incorporation of advanced 3D culture models into the platform is led by Alexandra Aizenshtadt (Ph.D.), who has both entrepreneur and academic experience (more than 10 years of experience in cell biology and disease modeling, and worked in interdisciplinary commercial and academic teams). Mikel Amirola Martinez is working on adding endothelial components to the rOoC. The team is complemented by Prof. Stefan Krauss, director of the HTH-CoE and an international expert in developmental biology and drug development with a broad experience in academic/industrial collaborations.


Dr. Mathias Busek

Dr. Aleksandra Aizenshtadt

Mikel Amirola Martinez

Prof. Stefan Krauss


contact us

If you are interested in a collaboration or want more information about our products, please contact us.



Problemveien 7
0315 Oslo

Phone +47 22 85 50 50
E-Mail mail@uio.no


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